GRANT OF THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN: "Improvement of methods of biological control against the quarantine object – Tuta Absoluta based on UAVs and entomophages in the conditions of the south-east of Kazakhstan".
ИРН: АР 09058127
The most urgent task of agriculture in the world today is the production of organic products. The global trend in the development of research on plant protection, currently, is based on the rejection of the use of highly toxic pesticides and focuses on the use of environmentally friendly technologies, the main of which are means of protection of biogenic origin. The use of an integrated plant protection system using UAVs, biological agents and bioinsecticides is one of the solutions to these problems, which deserve increasing attention as an alternative to chemical methods as their complete replacement, because biomethod has a selective effect on insect pests, is harmless to humans and the environment.

The purpose of project:
To develop and implement an integrated system for the protection of open-ground tomatoes from the Tuta absoluta quarantine facility using biological agents (Bracon hebetor Say., Trichogramma, bioinsecticides) and unmanned aerial vehicles in the conditions of the south-east of Kazakhstan.
Results of the research:
Field studies were conducted during the growing season (May-August) of 2021. To collect information, a DJI Phantom4 Multispectral UAV equipped with a multispectral camera shooting in additional parts of the spectrum was used: Red Edge (RE): 730 nm ± 16 nm, Near-Infrared (NIR): 840 nm ± 26 nm.
According to the results of route studies, the phytophagus was registered in early June. The total number of butterflies caught during the growing season was 3446 individuals (in 3 farms). The peak of summer occurred in the first decade of September, 723 individuals in the Sapar and 337 in the Musa. In the conditions of the Almaty region.
Laboratory studies have shown that tomato moth eggs are more sensitive to bioinsecticides at high rates of expenditure, BTB 3 kg/ha, actoraphite 2 l/ha, 61.8%, actoraphite 88.6%, respectively. The biological efficacy of the drugs against older caterpillars was 38.7 and 45.2%, respectively. Lepidocide proved to be ineffective against phytophage both in the egg phase and in the caterpillar phase. With the release of Trichogramma chilonis and brackon, the biological efficacy did not exceed the control level of 1%.
Treatments with biologics and a tank mixture of bioinsecticides were carried out at different times. Pheromone traps to create a male vacuum were changed every 2 weeks. During the entire period, we caught 3,617 male tomato moths for traps. Very high efficiency was achieved in the tank mixture of coragen with BTB – 91%.
Head of the project: Uspanov А.М.
Senior research scientist: Adilkhanqyzy А.
Senior research scientist: Sarkytbekova S.А.
Research scientist: Naimanova B.Zh.
Research scientist: Kenzhegaliev А.М.
Junior research scientist: Nurmanov B.B.
Senior Laboratory Assistant: Bashkarayev N.А.